FT3D review

by FLYitRC | March 3, 2013 | (11) Posted in Reviews


Hey guys here's my review after my maiden of the FT3D


olblueyez on March 9, 2013
Laser Cut Kits? Anyone? Bueller?
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vonmoose on March 7, 2013
how much will the kit cost? :)
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Adib Vahedi on March 7, 2013
Wow great building job! I love the orange Rx good choosing! Your plane looks awesome u should just col our it!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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Adib Vahedi on March 7, 2013
Great building job! Good choice on the orange Rx!
Hope your decals look good u should do like the one flitetest did that looks sick!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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Pyrofish on March 5, 2013
What motor did you use and what are you replacing it with?
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FLYitRC on March 5, 2013
I used an A28M first its a 3S 250W motor, It works great for the bloodywonder and baby blender with an 8X4E prop. but with the FT 3D you are doing way less moving but the motor is still working just as hard. so it got too hot and cooked the bearings.

Im getting the NTM 265W motor and that's on 4S so I will be switching to my 4S battery, I'm still going to try it with a 3S to see how well this new motor does.
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cloud9photos on March 5, 2013
I am trying to decide on a motor for mine! Im not much of a 3d pilot, but I think this plane will change that, and if I do destroy it I'm only out $3 Josh B did a great job on this plane it looks fantastic
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Hansi on March 20, 2013
Dale: what is your AUW (all up weight)?
Thanks in advance
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FT3D review