Graupner Announcement

by FliteTest | September 21, 2016 | (0) Posted in News

We’re thrilled to announce that Flite Test products will be distributed in Europe through Graupner’s online store! 

We’ve spent the last two years building a strong relationship with Graupner, which has now given us the opportunity to have Graupner distribute Flite Test products in Europe for us.

Graupner will not only be selling through their website, but also through their network of affiliated brick and mortar hobby shops.

Sign up for Graupner’s newsletter at to get 10% off your first order of Flite Test products on the Graupner store and be alerted when the products are in stock!

Flite Test products will be available from Graupner for the same price as in the Flite Test Store, and the good news for our friends in the UK and Europe is that shipping will be less expensive through Graupner!

We’re so excited about this opportunity, and want to thank Graupner for being so incredible to work with and help us serve our wonderful community even better.


pintokitkat on December 1, 2016
Living as I do in the UK, I fail to see what's so wonderful about the link-up with Graupner. Take just one example - a box of foamboard. Buy it from Graupner just across the Channel - £119. Ship it from the US - £97. (It used to be Dollar Tree Foam and cost a dollar a sheet in the US. Now Flite Test have negotiated a special deal with the suppliers, you can buy it (albeit waterproof) from FT for two dollars a sheet.)

Perhaps I'm just getting old, but the world seems more and more weird all the time.
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ulisesrdg on September 21, 2016
Still not available to buy, but waiting! is a great news!
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timbacct on September 28, 2016
Well the day arrived and I got an email saying the store was open. I went straight on and tried to buy two planes. When I got to check out, the system cleared my shopping cart and logged me out. I did the same again and this time when I pressed the button to pay, the screen just sat there with a spinning wheel on the button for 20 minutes and did nothing. Also it is quite difficult to add items to the cart. Generally not as good an experience as the US shop. I emailed support. They just told me to try again and hoped the issue was temporary. A really disappointing end to a very long wait. I am trying to decide whether to try again or go back to using the Flite Test site and take the hit on the delay and shipping costs to Europe.
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timbacct on October 5, 2016
After waiting a few days, I tried again and the transaction went through very smoothly and the order is on its way. Thank you Graupner and Flite Test.
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Battershell on September 22, 2016
Ummmmmm. How do we view or change the site to reflex USD funds???? I don't read or speak European and cannot figure how to switch it to English.
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ludodg on September 25, 2016
"I don't read or speak European" .. I'm sorry but that sounds soo hilarious. There is no European language. Europe is a number of country's together. The languages spoken here are: English (you know, as the one that came over to America ;) ), French, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Polish, ...etc, etc ...

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Battershell on September 26, 2016
Sorry, my bad! I meant being able to convert Euros to dollars. I'll proof read next time
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Battershell on September 22, 2016
ok here is how you fix the problem I had to have a German lady help me. Instead of instead type: .de is deutachland and .com is commercial for the US site.
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Tengushi on September 22, 2016
Flitetest products in Europa available and FliteFest Europa? A W E S O M E!
This are great news!
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Stafi on September 30, 2016
Greetings from Norway :-)
Ordered the three Tiny Trainers and the Mustang from Graupner today.
The kids and I just can't wait...
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ludodg on September 25, 2016
That's great news!!
Indeed, as Josh mentioned, the cost of ordering from Flitetest-USA is a serious amount higher. At first I did order from you guys just to be supporting the flitetest-story, ... but with VAT and shipping that came too costly.
Also, great news about a possible Flitefest Europe :) :)
Graupner-account been made immediatly :)
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Michael J on September 22, 2016
Yes, finally :-)

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Graupner Announcement