Halloween Flying Prank - The Grim Reaper

by LokaDesign | October 25, 2013 | (9) Posted in Challenges

Epic Halloween Prank

Amazing prank if you ask me, I wonder how he did it to be honest. Just dragging it with a thin line to a ... ?

What would be the best way of doing this? ...

Would be great fun to give our beloved hobbies a little halloween twist this week, wouldnt it? 



danallen82 on October 30, 2013
There is definitely NO upward thrust coming from it. Maybe they have it tethered to a hexa or bigger from 20-30 feet up. Then the ghost has a basic forward pushing prop and rudder to only control X&Y movement. That way the multi-rotor can be stationary.
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GjeffyG on October 29, 2013
I first read that it was made with a helicopter but I didn't see how that was possible. After reading your comments I watched it again. Pause it at 2:03 it's a good shot of a wire or string shining in the light. There is more shot through out the video but at 2:03 is the clearest.
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pichettem on October 28, 2013
Maybe it's my connection speed but the wings look very CG with the white basketball back-board behind it. Very funny idea though!
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Cyberdactyl on October 30, 2013
I believe it's hanging by a couple of very thin wires under a MR.
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JasonL on October 28, 2013
I saw this in my Facebook feed yesterday. I think I read one of the comments that said it was suspended from a quad or hex copter. You can see the wire in some of the shots.
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colflame on October 28, 2013
Yeah and If i'm not mistaken, you can here the props on a couple of occasions :)
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Halloween Flying Prank - The Grim Reaper