Hobbyzone Delta Ray - REVIEW

by FliteTest | December 16, 2013 | (21) Posted in Reviews


The Delta Ray is a fantastic trainer with the ability to take you from beginner to advance, all in one plane. 

One downside to the build is the inclusion of brushed motors. 

Because it is a trainer, the brushed motors do prevent any crazy pilots from taking it too far, but then again that lack of power doesn't allow advanced pilots to fly this at its maximum capabilities. 

The battery is specific to the model, preventing any larger batteries from being used. Our guess is this helps keep the weight correct as well as the CG. 

The kit includes the Spektrum DX4e and requires no mixing! Also, this transmitter can help you graduate to new planes. 

While in beginner mode, the SAFE system limits the throws helping you to stay on course. If you are feeling confident, you can switch to advance at any time. 

The ever important "Oh, Crap!" switch will always be there to rescue you, and boasts an impressive response time. 

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this episode, and to you for watching! You are awesome...seriously. 


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RotateB4TheEnd on December 16, 2013
Do y'all feel that this is better than the hobbyzone supercub in terms of a beginner?
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bladezx2 on January 6, 2014
I saw this plane at my local hobby store and asked the clerk about wether he had heard anything about the plane. I also mentioned I was a beginner and he said it wasn't good for beginners. I watched the flite test review one more time and decided to take Flite Test's word over his and boy am I glad I did. For a beginner this plane is AMAZING. In beginner mode it's effortless. I managed 15 flights Saturday and no crashes, just don't fly it when it's windy else bad things will happen.

I've even been brave enough to throw it in advanced mode when it's high enough and pull a loop then right back into beginner mode. It's also nice because you can take off in beginner mode and then switch to intermediate once you get it in the air. If things go south you always have the Panic Button which works great. I just press PANIC then switch into beginner mode.

Can't recommend this plane enough to beginners. This is the first plane I've managed to fly and even hand launching is a breeze. In fact it's the only way to take of now, in beginner mode of course.

Thanks for the advice Flite Test.
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Deserteagle83 on January 12, 2014
bladezx2 I concur with you 100% This is/was the best investment I have made to date as far as R/C's go. Below is my comment verbatim from Youtube:
"I contribute learning how to fly to this airplane. The thing is simply AWESOME!!!. I tried getting into the hobby a few years back, but after my first crash I was out of $300 and pretty discouraged... The safe mode and oh $!% switch on this bird saved me more times than I can count. However it only took me about a week of relying on it heavily to no longer need either of them. I do on occasion still have to hit the panic switch, (so it's nice having it there), but for the most part I can fly this thing solo now. In my opinion it's honestly a better option than having a buddy box. This thing corrects itself instantaneously. Great review by the way."
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RC Cola on December 16, 2013
Did anybody notice that dollar tree foam viggen in the background. Wonder if that will be the first FT Jet.
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jetpackninja on December 16, 2013

Already is... there are links to the plans and stuff on the flitetest site
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RC Cola on December 16, 2013
That wasn't made out of dollar tree foam though. That was David's creation. This looks reproducible completely from dollar tree foam.
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Trippey on December 16, 2013
Here is a picture.

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casehatter on December 16, 2013
Ok Bixler I fly all my stuff with the EC3 connectors I find them much easier to work with form plugging and unplugging to soldering them on..!! I started using them when I got back in from a twenty year restpit and flew the Horizon Super Cub to get my wings on..!! Hate deans and the EC3 will cross with the T6 I think it is..
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jetpackninja on December 17, 2013
The battery side EC3 will plug in to the ESC side XT60 but not the other way around.
I've gone to all XT60 connectors (didn't like Deans). Works out well for me since I buy the nanotechs and they come with the xt60 already on there...
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casehatter on December 17, 2013
Yea now I may switch to them, there is just to many these day's ..!!
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510thousandths on December 16, 2013
I like the EC3 connectors! on all my low amp stuff I am trashing the JSTs and putting EC3s on. They are bigger than the JSTs, but they are easier to use!
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FKreider on December 16, 2013
Who's bench is this filmed on? I spy a cool looking Jeep hiding underneath!
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gowen on December 17, 2013
I imagine they have gone for EC3 connectors because officially the red JST connectors are limited to 3 Amps by the manufacturer (http://www.jst-mfg.com/product/pdf/eng/eRCY.pdf). A twin has to exceed that.
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Captain Crash on January 26, 2014
now just do the duet
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ThatDronePilot on April 7, 2014
Is this plane worth the price?
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Ultimate_Red on June 6, 2014
Yes it is! My friend and I have already crashed it many times and fixed it with loads of hot glue and the beauty just keeps going!
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whiteram on June 13, 2014
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fuzzylollipop on March 24, 2014
I have to say, this review doesn't do this plane justice!

It is a great review and it convinced me very quickly this is the plane to get back into the hobby with. Last model planes I did were non-RC and back in 1979-1985!

This thing takes a licking and keeps on ticking! I have crashed it hard like a dozen times, some hotglue and some packing tape and it was back flying again in no time.

I was out flying it yesterday with my sons at the park in like 15mph gusting winds on a observation terrace at one of the highest points in my county. Windy doesn't even begin to describe it. Should have never been out there, but the Delta Ray worked great.

I got an extra battery, they last about 25 mins with little to no wind, they lasted about 15 in high wind.

If I do finally completely destroy the airframe it is only $40 to replace it, or I can just build a Speed Build Versa Wing and move all the components to it. But I don't see this thing getting destroyed given what it has suffered so far!
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Ano Pilot on July 16, 2014
Well, not for me. Starting as a beginner: the FT Flyer, FT F22, and Bonsai wing, no problems... but I seem to be having trouble with this plane. At the moment, I regret buying it. Ended up crashing and breaking the nose off, hopefully an easy fix: we shall see. I seemed to find myself fighting the logic of the AS3X. I should have been better prepared because it is equally weird on the Phoenix flight simulator. I believe that it is set up so that in Beginner Mode it won't do banked turns, instead it leans a bit and the motors push it around. I found this disconcerting. I switched through to Expert, finding this much better at first, but then the AS3X seemed again to interfere with a manoeuvre and things went wrong before I could get to the panic button. I would assume that I was an idiot except for finding, for example, the FT F22 so easy to fly.
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Ano Pilot on July 17, 2014
Much better experience with this aircraft today. I had prepared my mind for the differences this time. My review, so far, would be: Auto-take off, excellent as advertised; Auto-landings, very good, but a bit too hard and heavy for landing on the moor; Panic button works well, BUT then use Beginner flight mode and full throttle to escape if too low; Expert mode... why does the aircraft want to dive (which it also does AWFULLY on the Phoenix Flight Sim) when you engage Expert Mode. I think I am going to have to adjust the control-horn-links to fix this. I think my Elevons were messed up, straight out of the box, because after initialisation one Eleven is visibly higher than the other. Although this does NOT affect Auto-Take-Off in Beginner Mode. She looks great in the air and in low passes. Finally, the motors sound bloody awful, what WERE they thinking...?????
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mklyuzhev on January 7, 2015
Anon Pilot, I have an idea on why it wants to dive in expert mode: after you have assembled it, did you trim the elevons flat with the wings on full throttle? This plane has elevator/throttle mix, and will level the elevator as you increase the throttle. Therefore, if you trimmed the elevons on zero throttle, it will go down elevator when throttle is on, and you switch from "auto-corection" to "none", methinks... I have just got a damaged one for a fraction of the price, bound to my 9x with ORX module, and with no channel configured for flight mode (assuming expert since I do not see elevons flapping when I shake it), it has this mix enabled. BTW, Stratos has the same mix, and has to be configured the same way.
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whiteram on June 13, 2014
Likewise...Im a veteran quadcopter pilot. This was my first trainer...IM Hooked!
Ive crashed it 6 times with carnage...broken fuselage in half 3 times...little hot glue, 30 seconds dry time and takes off like a champ! (Not to be confused with the plane...lol). Its looking ugly but for the money, Ive learned a ton about flying a 4 channel bird...
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mediccby on July 7, 2014
Great plane I got this back in March and was finally able to fly it this past weekend.

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Flying Fox on November 27, 2014
Hey Flite Test Can you please do an episode on the Corsair with the Safe System?
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mike.chuanshi on May 19, 2015
Can we get some specs on the Delta Ray?
ESC rating?
FC specs?
Motor specs?
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Hobbyzone Delta Ray - REVIEW