Home made F117

by DennisSwe | September 3, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

Just wanted to share this.

My wife (who also is in this lovely hobby) have always wanted a F117 Stealth Bomber...
And when we where at our rc-club (me and a friend was building the FT Versa Wing), she was working on something in the other room, and she did not want us to come in there while she was building.

Well, after about an hour, she came out and showed us her F117! 

And today we maiden it, we both didnt think it would fly...
After two tests we added 10gr weight in the front, she gave it throttle.....and it flew superb!!

Here you have a short video. :)


DennisSwe on September 12, 2013
We dont have the F117 at home for the moment..
the motor is ~40gr 1520kv with a 7x5 APC-style propp.. 18A ESC.
over powerd as h*ll. :)
flies with ~40% throttle.

wingspann is..hm.. could be ~500mm.
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RayInFlight on September 12, 2013
Thanks for the info. I'm done with the cutting of a 22 inch. Approximately the same as yours. I'll play around with the power system.
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LordVader on September 10, 2013
Very cool, you are lucky to have a wife who enjoys this great hobby with you. My wife likes it, but has only tried to fly a few times. I believe see will get more into it soon. Practice on the sims and et out and try your hand at flying. Crashing is just a part of the fun.
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RayInFlight on September 10, 2013
congrats on the success. I am in the midst of building one too but have no idea on the power system. May I know what was the motor, prop and esc you used on that 117? How big is the wingspan? Thanks.
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mhartman550 on September 6, 2013
Your lucky to have a wife who loves the hobby! my girlfriend could care less about airplanes =(
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DennisSwe on September 8, 2013
yepp very lucky.
no complaints when you want to go to the airfield. haha =)
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joann69 on September 5, 2013
Congratulations on the F117s successful flight. I do a lot of building with the scratch built plans. I really like building these scratch builts. So far everything I have built has flown although I was not the pilot. I hoping to learn to fly one of these days. Have fun with your building and flying.
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DennisSwe on September 8, 2013
She likes to build scratch built planes, and as for you, the all fly. :)
start practicing on a simulator, you will be up and running soon. :)
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Home made F117