Homemade Canard Plane with Glider Launcher

by Budkeywest | January 31, 2014 | (5) Posted in Projects

This is our pal Reggie's homemade canard with a glider payload that is lauched in flight. Reggie LOVES canards and has even bigger homemade canards as well. We had a blast with this glider!


FliteOmega on February 19, 2014
Great! I think it would be better to add pictures.

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Nmackey on February 21, 2014
Would love to see more pics of the canard plane. I think i have my next build

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InTheFade on February 19, 2014
This is cool! cant believe how well that rocket glides...
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SteevyT on February 20, 2014
How hard would it be to put a small battery, receiver and servo in the glider to make a tiny RC glider?
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Homemade Canard Plane with Glider Launcher