how to get your plane out of a tree

by max witten | September 27, 2013 | (0) Posted in How To

i have seen my friends crash there planes in the tree and one of my friends had a tennis ball with a rope and i wont to tell you gize how to make won.


what you need:

- tennis ball 

- 2 bolts

- throw stick

- kite rope

first you poot 2 bolds on the sides of the ball and tie the rope around the bolts.

like so:


dan you just poot the ball in the trow stick and use is it.



zev on October 7, 2013
smart. the best way I have found is a lasso with a rock, but this looks easier.
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28th St. Air on October 7, 2013
fun idea. it's also a way to get a dog into the tree :)
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max witten on October 8, 2013
thanks guys
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Lubis on October 8, 2013
Seems like a lot of work :-)
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LordVader on October 7, 2013
This is a really good idea. I have a plane in a tree right now. It's about 75' to 100' high, been there for about 2 months now. Tried all kinds of things, this is next. Thanks!
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max witten on October 8, 2013
no problem
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coffeebean56 on October 8, 2013
You're lucky...I have to wait for the leaves to fall JUST to find the right tree! Mine has been there three months! :{
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how to get your plane out of a tree