Improve your workplace to decrease frustration

by ohitstarik | December 17, 2014 | (0) Posted in Tips

So when i first started off with scratch builds, all I had was the floor, my equipment, and some foam boards. It was pretty bad. I'd be cutting the carpet, accidentally burning myself with the hot glue guns, knives all over the floor, it was horrible. So i set off on a project to better my environment. 

You might have heard how google treats their workers, and how employees can custimize rooms to their liking, put a bunch of plants in, or make a minimalistic white room, or make it complex with work stations, break stations, etc etc. I thought, "what a great idea". I wanted to have an environment that i liked to work in, that made me happy to work. Building sure is fun, but it can get frustrating sometimes. 

So, to fix that frustrating problem, i put up things that were pleasing to the eye. 

Not to make it sound weird or anything, but I like looking at airplanes. Its just aesthetically pleasing to look at. So i hung up my best models in my room. I also organized my bloody wonder (i modded my bloody wonder quite a bit with interchangable wings), and having wings that were safe up there just made me satisfied on my progress. Whenever i felt like "Ah screw this i dont feel like working anymore, maybe airplanes arent what i can do", i could look around and realize that i'm just being childish. So, now after a month or two of this, i dont easily get frustrated anymore.

You know what else causes frustration? Not finding stuff. I walk around my room stomping around trying to find my hot glue gun, or that pesky screwdriver, or that dremel piece. To fix that problem, I just hung the stuff on the wall using pins, and made compartments in the wall using foam board for quick and organized access. 

Just take push pins and see what you can do with them! Mine is just a template, but I encourage others to do so like this room. It helps Quite a bit. 

I hope you enjoyed my article on improving your workplace and decreasing frustration. 


aidan35 on December 21, 2014
Another cheep and easy way to organize your workshops would be pegboard. It may not look good in a bedroom but it is great for keeping stuff organized and easily accessible. you can also get longer pins to hang your planes on it.
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ohitstarik on December 24, 2014
Very true!
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abieex on December 18, 2014
I agree! Since I made my own permanent "hangar" life has been much easier and I have been much more productive. My bench is always busy and I don't have to pick up and clean every night. I just shut off the light and close the door.
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ohitstarik on December 18, 2014
Haha same! I usually work late into the night so I get really tired and just go to sleep. After a while, like when I'm done with a project I have a huge cleaning and organizing session so it's not that bad I guess. But I kind o have to clean it since I work in my room
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BackPackModels on December 20, 2014
Nice helpful article :)
Am I the only one who spelled the word "horrible" exactly in the David Windestal-style? ...
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ohitstarik on December 20, 2014
That's exactly why I wrote it like that. David's been my idol for a while :^)
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Improve your workplace to decrease frustration