Jeep Aerial Commercial + Funny Ending

by DroneCowboy | December 6, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

So me and my buddy decided to go up in the mountains in Northern California to test out his new Jeep Rubicon. I decided to bring my hexacopter to do a mock up of a Jeep Commercial since the terrain is so camera friendly.

We planned out the route he would take (somewhat) and I found a good high position that would allow me to have LOS to him so my Video and TX reception wouldnt get sketchy. 

The video turned out good for a single flight without any retakes;)


RICHGCOOP on December 9, 2013
Nice video. I liked it.
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DroneCowboy on December 9, 2013
Thank You! Glad You liked it.
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Splat01 on December 9, 2013
Well done! There were a few trees at the end that I thought we going to reach out and grab you, but you stayed clear. Nice flying!
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DroneCowboy on December 9, 2013
Yea trust me when I saw them i knew i was a bit too close haha. Thanks for the comment.
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ghostrider03z on December 10, 2013
Literally, send this to jeep. The worst they can say is no thanks, right?
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DroneCowboy on December 13, 2013
I took your advice and did. I will let you know what they have to say:)

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cableline01 on December 9, 2013
send it to jeep lol..
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DroneCowboy on December 9, 2013
Haha yea I think I will:)
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Jeep Aerial Commercial + Funny Ending