KK2 Gimbal

by Flight Reel | October 4, 2013 | (5) Posted in How To

Many people wonder about how to make the kk2 Gimbal work. It's very simple, plug your servo's Into Motor 7 (ROLL) and motor 8 (PITCH) pins on the kk2 (here’s a pic to help you locate the right pins) be sure you have the signal wire facing left (towards the screen).

then in the gimbal settings, change the roll and pitch gains depending how your servo is mounted, positive number for normal and negative for reversing the servo (probably will be in the negatives around -500). The numbers with be different for everyone so it just takes a little testing to get it right. Use the Off-set to center your servos so the camera is level when the kk2 is level. For using the gimbal the motors MUST BE ARMED AND MOTORS SPINNING! Hopefully this helped, It is very simple and easy to use. just be sure to use servos for the gimbal, if you want a brushless gimbal you would need another gimbal board that can handle the brushless motors.

here's what you should have when finished!





cacomistle on November 4, 2013
Thanks for sharing this nice tip! Is this only for servos? Is it possible to wire brushless gimbal motors to this? :D
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Flight Reel on November 4, 2013
No, you would need to buy a brushless gimbal control board. You can find those on ebay for $30-50.

Hope this helps!

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RCNewb on October 10, 2013
Thank-you for this, nice intro into using the KK2 boards Gimbal features.

Any recommendations for the types of servos to use? Also, is it possible to circle the servo in the video, spent the first half of the video looking for a camera (sound muted at work in case you mentioned it in the video).
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rifted on October 18, 2013
I would tell you go with hitec HS-8 they are very good servos!
Good luck and fly safe!
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Flight Reel on October 11, 2013
I really like hitec HS-8, small, powerful, and light. otherwise most high speed servos will be good. I've heard of high speed HD servos and they sound good to use, but cost $40-120... I'll see what I can do about the video!

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KK2 Gimbal