Learn to fly with Phoenix: Getting Started

by jordster1998 | November 29, 2013 | (0) Posted in How To

Part 2:  we learn how to setup a transmitter to the simulator and how to edit your model and to advance from the previous part.




Plane of the day


Heli of the day


ps: leave feedback for future videos

enjoy:    jordster1998





Art on December 4, 2013
Thanks for the vid - Phoenix defaults are dumb - setting 'wind' starts with it behind you - that's why your plane had trouble. Finally got my batteries recharged and set up wind - had same flying problem - changed wind derection and had better results - Phoenix should know you take off into the wind and should have set the default wind that way. Keep up the good work - art :)
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Doliphant on November 30, 2013
When increasing the size to 200% setting the plane I used the CG is off. Now it sits and spins. How do you set the CG in the Phoenix Simulator 4 ?
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Learn to fly with Phoenix: Getting Started