Leonardo Da Vinci QuadMan

by rslegge | October 16, 2013 | (5) Posted in Projects

This is my second multirotor build.  After building and flying David Windestål's tricopter v2.5 design I decided to build a quadcopter.  I wanted it to look a lot less industrial and a lot more organic, homo sapiens even.  I took my design inspiration from the great Leonardo Da Vinci who was the leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance.

I adjusted his arms and legs a little to come up with my instance.  I also determined to make it a folding frame.  In the end, the arms fold down only.

Here is the main body, with arm and leg pivot points marked, and a custom chest (electronics) protector made from a 7UP bottle heat shrunk over a plaster of paris model.

 The top of the second layer contains the ESCs, actually a 4 in 1.


The bottom of the second layer contains the Ultra Bright LEDs and their requisite resistors to use 12V.

The bottom layer supports the battery and low voltage alarm.

The main electronics attach to the top layer under the chest protector.

All propped up and ready to go.

Parts List:

OpenPilot CC3D board
iPower iBM2212Q motors
HK QBrain 4x20A ESC
HK Orange R620 6ch Rx
11 x 4.7 GEMFAN props
3S 3000mAh 35C LiPo - gives 10 minutes flight time
15A GWS brushed ESC for Leds
HURC voltage monitor/alarm
1/2" square basswood arms
1/8" hobby plywood

Video of first spin up.

Dusk flight with lights.  The CC3D board allows a very stable hover and excellent handling.  The lights are visible in the daylight too and help me to keep orientation.

I hope you enjoyed this posting.   Flitetest is the best.







TommyGunn on October 18, 2013

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sailorJohn on October 18, 2013
How about burying LED's in landing gear balls ,maybe coat Styrofoam balls with epoxy coating or a similar translucent ball.
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rslegge on October 18, 2013
That could be done in the future. Currently I am using glow in the dark ping pong balls that already reflect the body's LED lights. The colors of the LEDs are critical for me to maintain orientation.
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tramsgar on October 18, 2013
He's got blue LED balls... I loled (even before I saw that!). Thanks!
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onemoreflite (John Michaels) on November 4, 2013
Very cool!
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Leonardo Da Vinci QuadMan