Low FPV Quad Flying

by Sharpshooter441 | October 18, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

Hey Flitetest Viewers!

First of all I would love to give a big massive thanks to the FliteTest Crew you guys have given me so much information on lots of diffrent things you share with the rc community without you guys i would not have the chance to do what i do. :) 

In this video i do a little low level flying around and under trees at my local river in sydney australia, Penrith Nepean River

My setup is the hobbyking SQ450 Deadcat Quad, with fatshark FPV reciever and goggles, camera used is a GoPro Hero 3,

Hope you enjoy and would love to hear your feedback.


P.S sorry about the small vibration issue im still working on it :) 


rcflyer729 on November 13, 2013
great flying
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Sharpshooter441 on November 13, 2013
Thanks :)
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Low FPV Quad Flying