Maiden Flight of the Nut-Job

by RoyBro | May 10, 2013 | (4) Posted in Just Fun

While waiting for my Tricopter parts to arrive from China, I got hooked on the scratch build series. So I built a Nutball, getting the electronics from Lazertoys and an HK 6 channel radio.

I've never flown any sort of RC aircraft before. But I've hooked up with the local club and I'm going to learn, the right way.


My first flight attempt was less than I hoped, but about what I expected. But it was still fun.


jerimiah85 on May 14, 2013
LOL my first flight of the ft flyer Went like this. but into My in ground pool. Motor was still good but esc was Gone. Build CRASH Rebuild
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NoUsername on May 14, 2013
Better luck next time!
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jhitesma on May 15, 2013
Lot like my first flight. I started the same way with a nutball from the FT plans. Do yourself a favor and whip up a FT Flyer - much easier to control than the nutball IMHO.

And FWIW you went about twice as far as I did on my first flight. Looks like you were kind of cross wind and had more wind than would be best for a beginner.

Oh and buy a lot of props to start with :)
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RoyBro on May 15, 2013
Definitely more wind that the nutball or I could handle. As for the crosswind, it was shifting from East to North so quickly I couldn't really tell.
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johanjonker on May 15, 2013
I always try to takeoff from the ground on a maiden flight, so that if my elevator trim is way wrong, I am already at a save stick location when the plane leaves the ground. one less unexpected trim to worry about..
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RoyBro on May 15, 2013
Good tip. Thanks.
I had some trouble with the landing gear setup so I'm redoing it with sturdier wire. And I'm going to wait for a calm day before trying again.
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Maiden Flight of the Nut-Job