Maiden my Hobby King Skipper.

by FASTCRASHER | January 18, 2014 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

heres the video of the maiden of the skipper

is fun to fly and fun to cruse in the snow!

Showing off my bright skipper!

Tore the stickers off first,then spray Painted it floresent green and black, orange is ducktape


flight monkey on February 3, 2014
Cool didnt know it skids on snow,that well. Loojs like a really fun plane !
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FASTCRASHER on February 3, 2014
yeah will fly off of water, snow, grass, even pavement , you just have to reinforce the bottom hull with tape or fiberglass ,or carbon fiber because its just foam, and so far is way fun!!
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RGS2010 on February 3, 2014
My mom taught me not to say anything at all if I can't say something nice so ... (silence).
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FASTCRASHER on February 3, 2014
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Maiden my Hobby King Skipper.