Mighty Glad to Fly (Song) - Quadcopter Music Video

by kah00na | May 18, 2014 | (3) Posted in Just Fun

I've been making several quadcopter videos and finding music that is not copyrighted is always a challenge.  That got me to thinking about making my own background music which got me to wondering if there were any quadcopter songs - I couldn't find any.  This lead me to the conclusion that I should write one.  This is what I came up with.  Also, thanks to my son for filming it for me!

Stuck on quads, I've got my confidence so high that I feel like I just
can't crash
Let's get to flyin'
Needed a hobby and the way I feel now I guess I'll fly quads till the end
Yeah, I'm on my way
Mighty glad to fly

Low voltage alarm, I've been up there too long, I guess its time for me to bring you home
Yeah it's time to land

So hard to see when fly far away it's hard to bring you back to me
(SPOKEN): Whoa, I almost crashed! I got it back. That was close.
Mighty glad to fly

Whoa I've got upgrade parts coming in two weeks
and I'm sure I'll see a big performance increase

But for now I pack up my lipos and I bring them all with me...
Cause this time my f450, you're flying between the trees

It's stuck on you, I've got this battery straped on tight and a little
velcro in there too
No, it won't slip out.
And here they are now, my Fatshark Attitude goggles make a whole new way to fly
Yeah, let's try them out!

Mighty glad to fly

Stuck on quads, I've got my confidence so high that I feel like I just
can't crash
Let's get to flyin'

Mighty glad to... mighty glad to... mighty glad to fly
Mighty glad to... mighty glad to fly
Mighty glad to fly


Bellows on June 20, 2014
That was FUN. Thanks, Mighty glad to watch it!
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Balu on June 16, 2014
Needs more cowbell. ;-)
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kah00na on June 19, 2014
Next time. :)
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denni8 on March 11, 2017
The song is really cool. You can get all these songs for free on music downloaders apps. Download all latest music downloader apps from http://musicdownloaders.org
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danniva09 on March 19, 2017
The music video and the song is wonderful. You can get all latest songs for free on setbeat app. Setbeat is an Android and iOS based application to download and stream music for free. You can download setbeat app from http://setbeatapp.com
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Mighty Glad to Fly (Song) - Quadcopter Music Video