FT mini mustang build

by judah | April 27, 2023 | (2) Posted in Projects

Hi, my name is judah, and I am 13 this is my ft mini Mustang.

  1. first I start by printing off the plans and sticking them together with tape 
  2. them cums the dull task of cutting out the planswing templateand copying them onto the foam board.

 then I got all my electronics together to see if we are missing anything2 9g servos for the tail

2 4.1g servos for the wings

2200kv motor 

the ESC in this photo is a bit overkill I am in the proses of getting a much smaller one

and a 2s 950mah lipo

then I started to buid the wing.

gluing in the wing spars

next, I added the aileron servos

aileron servos

don't forget to glue the servo extensions so that they don't cum unconnected mid-flight

gluing servo extensions

then I start folding the wing panels

finished wings

remember to tape the wing seem

I started folding up the fuselage and adding the bottom panels

in this photo, I have glued the tail feathers onto the fuselage.

then I added all the servos into the fuselage I ran out of push rod wire so I used some 

leftover push-rod stuff

the yellow rod is smaller than the red pipe and they sit inside each other smoothly 

after adding servos and push-rods I moved on to making the canopy

rear canopy

front canopy

so far looking good

making the power pod

finished power pod

finished plane

but it seems that I have cut the fuselage out wrong because the wing is barely glued on 

so I thought I would modify the fuselage to use rubber bands to hold on the wing

so I started by cutting out the bottom panel and the radiator scoop

then I added some small dowl for the rubber bands

I always add some old credit card to stop the rod from riping through the foam

then I glued the scoop back on the wing 

looks pretty good

finished model

this was a fun build 

thanks for reading


Crazed Scout Pilot on September 9, 2023
Great job Judah way to go!
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FT mini mustang build