Modified Baby Blender

by Noobi1951 | March 10, 2013 | (5) Posted in Just Fun

Hi Flite Test!

First I would like to thank you for your great site.

After having been away from RC for nearly 30 years, I have recently re-entered the fun.

My first "modern" RC was an electric glider which I have greatly enjoyed. But now your website has ruined me!

NOW, I have gotten into scratch building and am hooked.

This is my "Pittblender": it's my first attempt at scratch building. It has a Detrum BM 2815A-KV1100 motor, a 9060X3 prop, a 30A ESC, and I'm planning to use an 1800MAH 3 cell. I made the cowl, cockpits and turtledeck by heat shrinking 2L soda bottles.

I sure hope it flies, and that I can handle it. Now just to wait for the SNOW to melt!!!!!


Adib Vahedi on March 17, 2013
Hey man that plane looks beautiful! And you don't need the snow to melt just go fly it on a sunny day with the snow then you will get beautiful pics!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 11, 2013
great idea love that look ... need a video to see it fly
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Noobi1951 on April 5, 2013
I have finally been able to try this plane out ! That's the good news.
Every attempt to take off results in the same crash. Plane immediately tries to flip over on its back, while simultaneously turning hard left. So far it has survived.
I've tried shifting CG fore and aft but that has had minimal effect. Tried changing horizontal stabilizer angle, again no luck.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
May just start over again.
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pakelika1 on November 18, 2013
I'm sure u know but when looking at the plane from the front the prop u have should be spinning counter clockwise hey it dumb but sometimes people forget and run prop backwards. I think u know that though does the plane roll to the top immediately or back flip to its back quickly some more different angled pics would help but by the 2 u have I have ideas for why it might be doing this but I need to know roughly exactly how it flips I think it back flips by what you said is this right?
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Noobi1951 on November 19, 2013
No comment, when meant to be helpful, is "dumb", and I thank you for trying to help.
It has dawned on me that part, if not all of the problem, may be do to the fact that I shortened the nose of the aircraft by 2"-3" for esthetics. This would accentuate any tendency toward tail heaviness.
I have since scavenged some of the parts for other planes, and will have to either get more gear or put the old stuff back in her, add nose weight, and try again.
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Noobi1951 on March 17, 2013
Thanks for the nice remarks. Went to fly yesterday only to find the fields where I planned to fly covered with young soccer players. If the winds die down ( 20-30mph) I will try to get her in the air this week.
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Noobi1951 on January 27, 2014
Well the Pitt blender has finally flown (twice), with much help from a fellow RC flier.
My old radio/receiver combo had no means of setting throws, or expo, but thankfully my new one does, the guy (Steve) that helped me out set the limits at 30% makinf it much more manageable. It was a little tail heavy, so I have added more weight to the nose and am looking forward to flying her again :) It's great to find helpful people in the hobby, a BIG thank you to Steve.
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Modified Baby Blender