My first self-made Foamboard high wing plane

by Viktor2000 | January 7, 2018 | (4) Posted in Projects

Hello dear Flite-Test Family,

today I finished my first completely self-made Plane. I started with the hobby at Christmas. I got the FT Bloody Baron with a power pack from my parents and was directly hooked. After the maiden flight, which went really well, I wanted to extend my fleet. So I ordered some sheets of Foamboard and started working. I build the plane without any plans and just a blurry image in my mind of how it could look like. I used the powerpod concept so I can just change my planes depending on what I want to fly. And to safe some money ofc. Because I really wanted to be able to land and start my newest addition from the ground I also build a landing gear out of a old hanger and some 5€ wheels I got from my nearest hobby shop. Of course it had to be steerable. I will include some more pictures. 

The steering wheel is connected to a rod which goes trough the vertical stabilizer and is the connected to the rudder servo.

As you can see in the picture I added a lid to be able to access the electronics without having to take the powered out.

With this being my first plane which build without any instructions I will welcome all tips and ideas you guys can give me. Please excuse my grammar, I'm still learning.




Timwetzel on January 8, 2018
Pretty good. A little bit messy, but samething with my first build. This is one of a beauty. Where are the plans!!!!!??? I want to build this now.
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Viktor2000 on January 28, 2018
Well, sadly there are no plans. And it did not flew. It just did not want to take of so I threw it and it landed directly in my garbage can. But its a learning process. Maybe I will get back to this design when I got a bit more time. For now the Bloody Baron will do.
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awsomeness62 on January 9, 2018
I like your idea for the turning.
Great idea.
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Viktor2000 on January 28, 2018
Thanks. That is like the only thing that really worked on my plane.
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awsomeness62 on January 9, 2018
yea same, i actually built my first foam board plane before i learned how to fly. or had the electronics.

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Viktor2000 on January 28, 2018
Its nice to start with. Cheap and easy to repair.
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My first self-made Foamboard high wing plane