Naze 32 Rev6 basic set-up

by FliteTest | February 4, 2016 | (9) Posted in How To

If you want to purchace a Naze32 rev 6 we have them available in our store!

This information can be applied to any kind of race quad setup.

If you are building a VersaCopter, you can continue straight through the rest of the build with this video. 




Pete7694 on February 5, 2016
I can't wait to finely tune both of my naze 32 boards one of which is going into my versacopter. The only difference between my 2 naze boards and the one Josh uses in the video is that my long pin connector on both of my boards are straight conector pins instead of the 90 degree pins. It's a tight fit but it works.
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The-One-Who-Never-Crashes on February 5, 2016
I've been hearing a lot about people having problems with the Rev 6 (including myself); I'm sure this will be a great help!
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anotherjosh on February 22, 2016
This was a great video! I needed an option that would work with my Spektrum setup. I'm curious what Josh decided was a good PID tuning for Horizon Mode. There was a noticeable shimmy/instability when I first attempted takeoff in Horizon mode (not yet ready to jump into angle/acro yet). Those PID settings would be helpful, especially for someone new to Naze and DIY quads.
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stwaller12 on August 30, 2016
I loaded the latest Cleanflight firmware and noticed that the looptime stays at 1000. Has anyone tried the latest firmware? If so, what did you think and did you have to change all of your PID settings?
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thrasher0815 on April 18, 2016
Hi guys,
I was waiting for him to solder this up to a PDB but apparently all his ESCs have a BEC included.
1. Isn't this problematic as different BECs provide different voltages and therefore create differential between the channels?
2. If I use ESCs without BEC, can I directly wire up 5V to the NAZE32 to the 5V+/GND pins from a separate BEC without going through the receiver?

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Hawki on July 10, 2016
Thank you so very much for this guide. I'm brand new to aircraft RC and just completed my very first mini quad build (robocat 270). You managed to get me through this part of the build (the area I was most fearful of) with flying colors. Because of your way of presenting information, I felt very comfortable with the process and really "got it".
Thank you for these tutorials, they make the process of learning a lot of fun.
Dave (aka Hawki)
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Turp on March 2, 2016
Can you use cppm with this? I have a dx6 and was wanting to use cppm so that I can connect leds to the naze board for my versacopter.
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damouav on March 12, 2016
Yes, along with various other methods such as s-bus, Scraptum Satilites, PWM and of course PPM.
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zombiehunter187 on March 19, 2016
Need help just bought the Versacopter 2 and power pack E i foillowed this build video and the other versacoper build video. Did all the PID tuning as per the video. I took it for the maden flight. I was able to get it hover about 4 feet off the ground no problem. as soon as i pitched to the left the whole quad started to shake slow at first then got faster and faster. I tried to lower the throttle and bring it down but it just flipped upside down and went straight into the ground and the throttle shot up on its own. I guess it was trying to level out, It hit the ground hard, the props exploded, and motors got all chewed up (I was on cement at the time so I can get a level take off). I hit the throttle cut, picked up the pieces, and now i'm back to the drawing board. Only problem is i'm not sure what went wrong. All the props and motors where turning in the correct way. I guess the problem must be something in the PID but if I used the same settings as Josh with the same power pack then how could that be? Any Idea what went wrong? I was in angle mode at the time FYI, Thanks,
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fryanryan9 on May 26, 2016
I had the same problem but luckily I was over grass and didn't even break a prop. I tried using base flight and that fixed the problem but there was still a lot of vibrations and wobbling. I think the PID's aren't exactly right.
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flyingsailor on March 1, 2016
Why do you lower the frame rate? Does it have something to do with latency time? Thanks!
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Naze 32 Rev6 basic set-up