Nutball Unswappable Maiden + 4

by marollet | June 2, 2013 | (0) Posted in Reviews

Nutball Unswappable 

I have uploaded 2 photos of the aftermath of the first few flights of the Nutball, I had a reasonable maiden and 3 other good flights with it but on the 5th flight it suddenly " Nose Dived" and to the right straight into the ground. Is it a characteristic of this type of plane ?as this is the second Nutball I have built and they both seem to want to do this.

The first was slightly larger and made of foamboard not depron as this one.

I would be grateful of any flight info on this, not sure whether to give up on it and try a different scratchbuild.

Please take a look at Photos, sorry no video as yet..


Mr.Koinkoin on June 4, 2013
Hi Marollet,

I wonder if your "fixed" version of the nutball's fuselage does not change the downwash angle from its original design conception hold with barbecue skewers, or is it in fact like thejosh say, simply a positioning problem of your battery to find the right CG ?
Français ?
Je me demande si ta version "fixe" du fuselage de la Nutball ne modifie pas l'angle piqueur du modèle par rapport à sa conception d'origine calée avec les piques à brochettes ou est-ce en effet comme le dit thejosh tout simplement un problème de calage de ta batterie pour obtenir le bon CG ?

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thejosh108 on June 3, 2013
this happened to me when the zip tie keeping my elevator rod from bending grabbed on the rod, not letting my go up. Another thing is CG, mine never could fly right unless the battery was in the middle.
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marollet on June 4, 2013
Hi Guys, thanks for your comments .. I double checked the CG and it is where the "Flitetest" crew recommend at 5" back from firewall, I am not sure that I understand your comment about the fixed fuselage ? Dont get me wrong this easily built little number flies well for what it is, it is just the fact at certain angles in flight it seems to just drop quickly when banking with or without up elevator. I hope to overcome this as it is great fun to fly. Thanks guys and happy flying to you all.
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fastfred529 on June 7, 2013
I had same resultt with my nutball. Built the ft flyer. Crash 5 times breaking props, the cheap orange ones from HK. Bought a APC 7x4 SF. Flew for 10 minutes with no problems. Then the battery was done, landed safely. I use a Turnigy nanotech 2s 460mah 25-40c battery. Try the ft flyer. You will eventually get a great flight.
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Nutball Unswappable Maiden + 4