OSRC - Pre-Orders Begun

by Gizmoman | June 24, 2014 | (10) Posted in Projects

Finally you get a chance to Pre-Order your very own OSRC system. The title pretty much says it all but continue reading, to understand the plan and how this will be done. So far, Ilios, the 3D printer i am working on every day, allowed me to pay the bills and became my day job. Although the initial idea was to save up founds to proceed with OSRC, due to the financial state and many personal reasons i haven't been able to save much for the actual OSRC production and have been trying to simply finalize the design and move slowly as the budget and time allow it.

The funds i try and collect for OSRC simply don't reach the required amount since every month other obligations come along, bills need to be paid and whatever is left simply covers whatever expenses there are during a quiet period during Ilios sales. Unfortunately, without a proper push to make the project a reality i really can't do much.

I really want the project to be released and make the best system i can for you as i believe it truly is a unique idea and shall benefit the Drone and RC communities. So to try and get this going i prepared a Pre-Order in the shop. Something like a small KickStarter, since the shop is already fully functional and all the funds for each Pre-Order will go directly to the OSRC account for development.

For More details, visit the OSRC website at: www.os-rc.com

More info about the system can be found in its description on the website. Here is the direct link: http://www.os-rc.com/en/osrc-products


Amdaylight on June 25, 2014
So what is OSRC? I really do not have a clue.

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jakrabit on June 25, 2014
Open Source Radio Control

a very cool concept., but wow, is it expensive!
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vel3k on June 30, 2014
I love this product - something I've thought about doing and glad you've made so much progress :)

Please - whatever you can do to bring down the cost would be fantastic. Would be very difficult for me to justify over two thousand dollars for a remote + FPV screen. I know there are many features!! But this is what I'm looking at for my next purchase: A DX8 and Fatshark goggles. Both should be less than 1K.
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OCD RC on June 24, 2014
wow that things expensive
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Triffnix on June 24, 2014
It is a very ambitious concept with many remarkable ideas, like automated wireless routing, electro-mechanical ratchet and spring simulation, third-party telemetry integration, multi-path FPV etc.

Most companies would need a team of at least 30 engineers to realize this project. But our friend from Cyprus can do it alone - with the magic of Open Source. This is even more remarkable.
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Burly on June 24, 2014
Caveat Emptor...
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Yogenh on June 28, 2014
It is great. What would the cost be in US? I know that I would love to have one!!!!
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Gizmoman on June 29, 2014
The cost in another currency would depend on the means of payment and the rates of those means, being it PayPal or bank transfer. I recommend registering on the website and checking out the final price in the cart, including shipping.
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Rc Mania Cyprus on June 24, 2014
Wow congrats!I would buy one if i wasn't a 16 year old flyng off of grandma's money :p
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tramsgar on June 29, 2014
That's a remarkable design, I'd love to own one myself, but the market at that price segment is quite small - I think you'd need pretty targeted marketing to reach enough of those customers.
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Gizmoman on June 29, 2014
That is a remarkable comment, especially the Price bit. Glad you read the news description and details linked to every single text in the article.

I am supremely glad you pointed out these key points to me since i simply didn't think of it after almost 3 years of working on the project. This is the exact inspiration i need to keep writing detailed text in the future.
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tsbanking on June 29, 2014
Price is to high for something that might not even work as advertised...
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Epitaph on June 25, 2014
Any plans on a tray type transmitter like the Robbe Futaba FX line?
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Gizmoman on June 25, 2014
There is only one plan right now. To build something, you must have the foundations laid first :) When the initial OSRC is released, future plans shall be explained.
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OSRC - Pre-Orders Begun