Park Flite Crash

by casehatter | November 2, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

Just Out kicking around in the country Park why do we have parks in the country..?? Cause we can I guess seems like we spend tax money on anything Just saying..!! This Is   Fish River Park in Surry county of NC USA.

Surry County is the home of May Berry RFD or the Andy Griffen Show, yea Mary Lou is still around she talks with ya at the Andy Play House in May Berry (Mt. Airy NC USA) My Dad played base ball with him when he was 18 or so in a minor league type deal in NC. Dad said he was always bumbing smokes. I meet him and His younger wife back in the 1998 or so at his Home on Figure Eight Island NC they were very rude and treated me as a second class citizen, I was there working on something for them..!!


Zatoichi on November 20, 2013
Poof! Like that and its snowing! lol Nice flying and video editing man!
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casehatter on November 20, 2013
Thanks Zat but I'm a rookie you tha man..!!
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Park Flite Crash