Quad Copter In The Woods?? (And Other Stuff)

by ChrisTechRC | February 27, 2013 | (8) Posted in Just Fun


Cyberdactyl on March 1, 2013
Well done!
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saitek93 on March 7, 2013
Is this in Decatur???
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ChrisTechRC on March 7, 2013
Yes =) What gave it away?
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saitek93 on March 18, 2013
The airport was a dead give away. Plus Rock Springs looked familiar. Just careful with how high you fly around the country club with the airport that close. It was great flying though. Keep it up.
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Tuga_75 on March 1, 2013
Very good....................
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Corsair2014 on March 1, 2013
nice! what quad?
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ChrisTechRC on March 5, 2013
It is the hobbyking Q450 I believe. I replaced the brittle glass fiber arms with aluminum square tube though... Pics of it here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.455012414534145.99596.377750558926998&type=3
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Adib Vahedi on March 3, 2013
Great job and nice dodging!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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Quad Copter In The Woods?? (And Other Stuff)