Flite Test recently got the opportunity to have a go with one of Lumenier's latest products that will be coming out in the near future. It may well revolutionise the way we use quads - it's quick release props.
Check out the video where Stefan and the crew investigate the usefulness of this pop-on, pop-off system.
What is it?
Essentially, the POPO system from lumenier is a new propeller quick swap system that makes mounting props to brushless drone motors much easier. You can pretty much do it in seconds by simply pressing down on the top of the motor shaft.
The system does away with the need for a prop lug. If you want to remove your props, you don't need any special tools, just your fingers. You can probably imagine that this makes getting back in the air a lot more efficient after a big smash. When we tested this for ourselves, we found that you could remove the props in under 25 seconds, just as advertised by Lumenier.
As mentioned in the video, there really is no excuse not to remove your motor's props when adjusting settings or setting gear up on the workbench. This means that the POPO system is also, effectively, a great safety device. It's a step towards the industry goal of making quads, and drones in general, safer to use.
It's looking like this may be the new industry standard of how we mount props in the future. Manufacturers, like T-Motor, Emax, and of course Lumenier, have announced they will be soon supplying compatible motors. Other companies who specialise in propellor production such as HQ and Gemfan are also working on compatible props.
How does it work?
Basically, POPO is built into your Lumenier motos. It has a push button quick release mechanism built into the 5mm prop shaft. As long as you have some POPO compatible props, you can install them by pushing down on the button and twisting until you hear an audible click. However, what's great is that the system doesn't stop you mounting non-POPO compatible props. These can be mounted with a conventional lock-nut and wrench which is why you can still see a thread on the prop shaft itself. Cool hu?
We always like seeing innovative new products and systems come into the public domain. If you want to find out more about this technology, head on over to Lumenier's website where they explain in more depth how the system works and exactly which props are compatible. One thing's for sure, I'll definitely be using these motors before long!
Get yourself some POPO Quick Swap Motors
More information about the tech
Article by James Whomsley
Editor of FliteTest.com
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