Rudder Wonder

by Bolvon72 | April 28, 2013 | (22) Posted in Projects

Of all the swappables, I find the Bloody Wonder gives me more fun per mAh than the others. I always felt like one thing was missing, and as I was ghosting the rudder one day I said that was it. 

I started by cutting the fins off of my wonder and making new ones without the notch at the back. 


I cut the hinge in line with the top corner and glued them on with an angle piece of foam top and bottom for reinforcement. 


I have the hinge in line with the elevator's. Knowing I needed room for inside movement I cut the elevator to allow for it, it did not lessen the performance of the elevator to any degree that I could tell. I then added a servo between the aileron and elevator servo and ran control rods to the inside of both control surfaces. 


That added quite a bit of weight to aft but a shift of the battery and she was back to balanced. Now I just have to maiden the new Wonder


I am giddy as a schoolgirl about my new Wonder, the rudders add a whole new level of Holy Craptitude to the experience. It adds nothing if you want this bird for combat, but for flying squirrelly like I like to it does the trick. I did find that my roll rate was diminished by the larger stabilizers and will increase the aileron throws for the next flight. I highly recommend metal gears for the rudder servos because they are so unprotected in any foul landing. I have the cheapest digital metal gears in existance on this thing and I bounced it a dozen times today and she is still going strong. 


liveyourdreamsRC on May 2, 2013
Great idea! I wonder why FT didn't do this in the first place, probably because it might be to advanced in some respects for people building up off the swappables. I think they should incorporate this into a version 2.
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british rcairways on May 12, 2013
i will love to see this in flitetest's plans when they make it a speedbuild kit. great build well done.
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tramsgar on May 4, 2013
Great tip and nice piloting, thanks!
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jerimiah85 on April 29, 2013
I like your set up. Nice video
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NoUsername on April 29, 2013
It flys like a 3d plane.
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Bolvon72 on April 29, 2013
If I could only find a 3D pilot to try it lol.
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NoUsername on April 29, 2013
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FlyingSloth on May 1, 2013
I've considered adding a rudder to my Bloody Wonder, but with a bit less abruptness as you :P

Basically make the rudder out of the top half of the Vertical Stabilizers and hinge it parallel to the trailing edge. Might have a slight elevator effect, but hey, it would still be interesting.

Only reason I haven't done it, is my CG is too far back without battery now, so adding another servo and wires etc would make it near impossible to balance without dead weight such as washers.
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Bolvon72 on May 1, 2013
I definitely wanted big movement, I love the Wonder for it's huge control surfaces already, I wanted to be able to spin it around in as tight an area as possible.

You could build one with an extended nose, that would move the motor and battery forward to make up for the additions you want to do in the back with very little added weight. Less than a half inch would cover the control rods and horns, if you look at the way I did mine, the new servo is right on the cg so it's negated.
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wga22 on June 23, 2013
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msh312b on March 28, 2014
What motor and prop setup are you using? I have a 28-32 1200Kv and a 10*5 Prop with a 3s 2200mAh and I can take off vertically, I love the Rudders that will defiantly be my next mod. Love the way it fly's. thanks for the article.
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Bolvon72 on March 28, 2014
I run a Suppo 2208 with an EXI 8x4. I use a 850 3s to keep it light. I don't go for speed with this plane, I prefer the prop to be able to go from nothing to everything real quick.
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ohitstarik on April 25, 2014
That elevator...
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stay-fun on June 1, 2014
I made my first rudder wonder! (And that's my second wonder, I also have the 'regular' bloody wonder). Love it! I think I need more throw on my rudders though, because it makes a huuuuuge circle when turning flat (without banking).

Also, I've made a symmetrical wing on it. I'm planning on making an article later :)

Thanks for sharing the rudder wonder! With my helicopter background, it is impossible not to use the rudder stick... Now it has some use, too! Rather than just ghosting ;)
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Bolvon72 on June 2, 2014
Good deal, I still have the same one, the tape made it indestructible. I have all surfaces pretty much maxed with a good deal of expo. I'm glad you liked the idea.
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Rudder Wonder