Scratch Built Avro Arrow

by TanManTall | April 23, 2013 | (6) Posted in Projects

One day I was searching through the internet looking for some inspiration into my next build. I came across the Avro Arrow which really intrigued me in how it looked and it's history, so I decided to scratch build it. I looked up the dimensions and built it all to scale (or as scale as you can get using foam board).


I didn't get much of the build process but here is the bare airframe completely built.

The electronics I used are two Detrum combo packs. Individually they consist of one 3000kv 70mm ducted fan, one 60A esc, and 4 9 gram servos.

The motors and esc's fully installed.


The hatch opens up to a very long inside allowing easy cg adjustment.

The finished product complete with landing gear and decals. No flight footage yet, but I will get some soon.


Jebnor on April 24, 2013
Why the 4 servos per ducted fan? Could you explain.
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TanManTall on April 24, 2013
The combo pack is meant to make a kit airplane ready to fly other than a battery, tx and rx. Most planes use 4 servos, 1 for each aileron, 1 for the elevator and 1 for the rudder.
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motoringmaniac on April 24, 2013
great idea I want to make one some day I have the time and the patience. My great uncle sandy worked on the Arrow and had one of the original prototype models.
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CF105 Arrow on April 27, 2013
It's nice to see some one else reviving this awesome Canadian Legend! I'm in the process of making plans myself. Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see the flight video.

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rallyman on April 29, 2013
Hey Cf105 will you keep in touch as your project progresses as I am interested in all things Arrow ( Candle Lake, Saskatchewan)
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CF105 Arrow on May 2, 2013
Will do rallyman. Finding basic drawings is even difficult to have something to work from. I had an original flight manual, but my father in law grabbed it. :(
Now seeing Davids build on the Viggen has given me even more ideas!! :)
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GoodCrash on May 12, 2013
I'm planning on ordering parts for my EDF I made but im not sure weather I will need 1 or 2 fans. do you think this plane could run on 1 fan unit?
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TanManTall on May 12, 2013
I'm sure it could run on 1 fan but 2 really adds to the performance
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rallyman on April 26, 2013
Has it flown yet. I would love to get the plans as I am a real arrowhead
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TanManTall on April 26, 2013
It has flown but is quite nose heavy. I'll get to work on finishing the plans as currently I only have the wings done.
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earthsciteach on April 27, 2013
Well done! This plane must be a rocket! What kind of speed are you getting out of the twin edfs?
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TanManTall on April 27, 2013
Currently the jet probably does around 60 so its not that fast but if I modify the ducting to make it more efficient it should go faster.
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Scratch Built Avro Arrow