Beechcraft Staggerwing

by Pauloar | May 22, 2013 | (8) Posted in Projects

Hey Guys,


I just have started my project within building a Beechcraft Staggerwing Model 1937. Reallz nice.

As I did not have any plants around, I decided to use all the technichs wich you guys from FLITETEST had tought us ..... I just made same-thing a bit different. Here in GErmany you can not find the exactly 1Dollar foam board as in US, therefore i choose a Foam Board which is a bit havy then nomal used material. The cuts, as you can see at the picture are made in both sides, this way I could easly fold the profile and maintain the hardness at the plane. 

I hope you enjoy-it...... I am....


Take all good care. Paulo!


tomy2gunn on October 5, 2013
Cant wait for the plans......60 inch or bigger I hope...Thanks
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Michael9865 on October 3, 2013
Nice. I look forward to seeing your progress updates
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Pauloar on October 4, 2013
Thanks man! :-)
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BuckE67 on October 4, 2013
Awesome! I got some great pictures of a red Staggerwing at a local airshow. Beautiful, fast airplane.
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Pauloar on October 4, 2013
These with the firs haiku plane every build with this wings design! Built year 1920's!! This model is from 1937!!! The last one which was in fajita turning until 1948!! :-)
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Pauloar on October 4, 2013
Hey guys this is prototype one! I all finish and put the plans available! Thanks for all for the super feedback!
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p-air-o on October 4, 2013
Me too ! Always wanted to build one myself.
Are you using Depron or the one from the hardwarestore with the "Raufaser" optic ;-)
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Pauloar on October 4, 2013
Hey, I am living now in Germany, here it can not be found the 1 dollar foam that you guys in America have! Her I am building with a 3mm foam with a hard paper cover! I will take better pictures of the material!!!
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fjnagle2nd on October 3, 2013
Way to go! This is my all time favorite plane! Looking forward to seeing the completed project.
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Pauloar on October 4, 2013
For me too! I will try to finish it this week still! I will post the following steps!
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oldguyflying on October 4, 2013
VERY cool! Are you going to submit plans to Flite Test or make available? I'd love to hear and see more.
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Pauloar on October 4, 2013
Hey there I will try to make it soo! :-) thanks for he feed back!
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Beechcraft Staggerwing