Stress testing of a gimbal brushless Split Screen

by polak74 | August 19, 2013 | (0) Posted in Reviews


Hello all,

Video Link Youtube : 


I just just bought a gimbal from bestluckybuy. this gimbal:
I made a little video to compare stabilization. Video on the left side gimbal, right side gopro attached on the front of the TBS Discovery.

Next step, adaptation of the gimbal in front like a TBS Discovery Pro.

See you soon ;)




cholfeltz on August 20, 2013
That is awesome! a couple questions - would you recommend this gimbal? I've been looking at the rctimers gimbal that Chad used on his hex and was filming down that smoke-stack. This one is super cheap at $120 - says pre assembled. Any problems with it?

Video looks amazing! great job!
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RoyBro on August 20, 2013
Nice visual comparison.
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Carmatious on August 23, 2013
How come the older GoPro has better video quality, they've gone backwards, haven't they?

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Fatherfox on August 24, 2013
i'm planning on getting this gimble as well and already got the martinez controler for my daughters tri. i'm currently waiting on my gimble ( using a 3 axis controler ( but i missed the fact that i have to get the motors separately at $90 (d'oh!). the full kit is around $250. I'm planning on pan and tilt hooked up for head tracking and yaw strictly stabilization. gonna see if my simple tricopter 2.0 can handle it w/ 750kvm motors and an 11" prop. any bets? btw, goodluckbuy and goodlucksell are the same outfit. had to contact them about an issue and they advised me that they have "many" stores in and out of ebay. interesting to me that so many suppliers are selling re-brands. hard to know who is the originator at times. ^-^`~
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polak74 on August 20, 2013
Yes i recommend this gimbal Even if it is Chinese ...
No problem, out box plug a battery and place a gopro and go !!!!!
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Stress testing of a gimbal brushless Split Screen