Swapable Ultra Micro FPV

by Zipgun1 | June 27, 2013 | (0) Posted in Tips

     Catching the FTV bug a few years ago was one of the most interesting aspects of this hobby that rekindled my interest in flying. As usual, technology gets the better of us and before you know it a plethora of "must have" goodies are incorporated. These goodies include but are not limited to OSD's, GPS's, telemetry gear, DVR's, antennas, goggles, larger batteries, larger motors, larger airframes to support it all and the list goes on.  This increases the transport, setup, initialization, and tear-down times to the point I wanted to get something to throw up in the air and fly FPV.

    It led me to this setup that minimizes weight and allows placement on many airframes with the ability to keep the CG intact. Due to the fact I'm on a budget it can bea easily switched to many airframes.



     Don't get me wrong I still like all the goodies but having versatility is a definite plus. This setup has served me well.

     Parts needed:
          Pico Camera                                     (3 volt only) 
          Tx Module    (I prefer 5.8G)              (3 volt only) 
          1s 150ma battery  (lasts appx. 15 min)
          Cloverleaf antenna  (very few glitches)

     Special thanks to IBCrazy and David Windestål because the fpv vids and antenna construction.


Zipgun1 on July 6, 2013
Ok The transmitter is from range video ... http://www.rangevideo.com/5-8ghz-200mw-audio-video-transmitter-module.html
The camera ... http://hobbywireless.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=122_6&products_id=957 or something equivalent (I can't remember exactly because it has been a few years since I purchased it.)
The antenna was home made out of MIG wire. Here is a great tutorial. http://flitetest.com/articles/Clover_Leaf_Antenna_Build_for_5_8Ghz_FPV_IBCrazy
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RoyBro on July 6, 2013
Yes, please include part model or number and where to buy. Actual links would be great.

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dammuozz on July 7, 2013
Nice post!! What is the name of the plugs for the micro lipos?? I would buy them but don't know how to find them.
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Zipgun1 on July 7, 2013
I just cut one off the charger they give you for the Parkzone/Blade 1s chargers. (I have a bunch of them) Here is a link to them. http://www.rc-connectors.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=89&products_id=191
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matt on July 6, 2013
This looks like it would be fun to put on a Champ, any details?
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Zipgun1 on July 6, 2013
I haven't tried it with a Champ but on a Trojan it seemed a bit heavy for my tastes (wouldn't loop). Give it a shot though. The setup should allow you to get the CG right on almost anything.
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The Aero Scout on July 29, 2013
Sensational setup ..... I agree with your philosophy of going something more versatile. It's very easy to get carried away with the consumerism of this hobby. :)
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Swapable Ultra Micro FPV