Testing HobbyKing Bag for Bixler 2 + FPV flight

by glAdos | December 3, 2013 | (8) Posted in Reviews

Since I've sold my car and bought a little scooter, i didn't know where to pack all my Fpv - Gear and how to transport my Plane.
I found this Bag for my Bixler 2 on HK. There are a few faults in it. But over all its perfekt for me.
Bixler fits perfectly. I just had to find out if it would not fall appart when i wear it on my scooter.
But it worked surprisingly well for me!


llbr22 on December 9, 2013
Great vid! for $10 I'll try one on my Radian Pro. .. maybe even take it on a bicycle!
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rickehrle on December 12, 2013
Here"s how I used to transport my plane: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/338407_3782939574254_1130958150_o.jpg
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tomsun on December 7, 2013
Nice! Was considering to get it when it showed up on new items, but when using public transportation etc, I don't like the fact that the plane is sticking out... It seems like a good fit for your bike though!
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ScottyZ on December 7, 2013
Love it! How about adding a link to the product?
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tomsun on December 7, 2013
I think it is this one http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=24877
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The Aero Scout on December 12, 2013
Did you get the tripod and extra gear in the pack as well?
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glAdos on December 9, 2013
Well yes, for public transportation its not perfekt. But it is a huuuuuge [ ;-) ] help carrying it around!

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Peacock on December 9, 2013
^ Dancing... What video?
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Testing HobbyKing Bag for Bixler 2 + FPV flight