Hansa Jet: the lost German jet (now RC):Part II

by Keenan smith | December 25, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

Hey Guys 'N' Gals And Merry Christmas!

It's been a while since part one of this article was posted and i have finally gotten back to building this beast (family issues Got in the way).

so without further adue, here we go:

so i picked up Where i left off and Fixed that wobbly nose gear mount (literally a small tug and it came out)

i replaced it with a new balsa mount that evenly spread the force into the Foam Super-structure surrounding it 

as you an see its more than beefy enough for those brain-fart landings of which i make too many)

i then set about re-enforcing the Surrounding superstructre (the nose) 

as well as hooking up the nose wheel Steering 

then i replaced the flimsy upper section of the nose with some nice balsa and foam

also whilst i was Busy I Finished Sheeting the upper half of the Nose And Added An Air-stair!/Door

Door Fully- Closed 

Door Fully open (Air- Stair Deployed) 

Door half - Open (i call this one Peek-a-boo mode haha)

it serves the daul purpose of looking cool and being useful as an Acsess hatch 

Then i set about Rebuilding The horizontal Stab, as the Previous one was to small for flight and not scale.

old Smaller stab on top, newer More Scale and Flight-Worthy Stab

Looks Much better and Scale too!

Next i Set about hinging and installing the Rudder

i think im gonna stick to this method of hinging, it's so smooth and clean  :P

finally i Freed up the Elevators and skinned the very end of the tail

Tail Skinning

also Freed the spring mechanism on the nose landing leg (should help absorb the shocks of landing)

Spring in action 

Little overview 

More updates to come Soon


Keenan Smith 


Keenan smith on December 26, 2014
yes, i plan to put plans on here as soon as i know shes flightworthy
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cwills on June 19, 2015
i notice that you are from london, and was wondering what foam board that you use as i am struggling to find any in the uk.

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Yogenh on December 25, 2014
Could you make me one????? LOL Are you going to plans on here???

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Lorenzo on December 30, 2014
I'd be too anxious to fly this if I had built it...so much time and effort. What does the power to weight ratio look like right now?
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Keenan smith on December 30, 2014
it will weigh 1.4kg RTF and it will have 1.7kg of Thrust
so that gives me a 1.21- 1 TWR

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DStBone on December 27, 2014
absolutly love the details!
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Keenan smith on December 27, 2014
the, i call this my labour of love :)
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johanjonker on December 30, 2014
I personally wouldn't use foam for projects with so much detail..

But it looks good.
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Keenan smith on December 30, 2014
Gotta Keep it light, to fly scale :)
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Hansa Jet: the lost German jet (now RC):Part II