The Leviathin (big twin)

by anonymous rc pilot | April 1, 2014 | (6) Posted in Projects




wingspan: 95.5 in (242.5 cm)

                                            overall length: 69.5 in (176.5 cm)

                                            weight (best guess): 8 lbs (3629 g)

                                           power system: two 146g 1460 kv motors swinging 9x6 props 60amp escs and two 2200 3s batteries, 20g metalgear sevos (6)



I began with a wood braced 60 in armin-wing (width of 1ft) then added 17in undercambered wing tips, these give the wing some more dihedral.The fuse is very simple foam-board build with bulk-heads for reinforcement also both the nose and reciver are swapable. Both wings and tail are heavily braced with everything form basswood to birch-ply but are still a bit floppy though not too bad for my first large build. The landing gear consists of two aluminum spars clinging to 5in wheels all held togather with a guitar string and a prayer then mounted to the wing with birch-ply, I bent the wire for the much smaller tail wheel and attached it the same way. It's worth mentioning that I used flip-side foam-board which uses thicker paper but about the same density foam making it heavier than rediboard (the Flite Test stuff). For paint I used a combination of sharpie and spray-enamel.

If you want to know how long this took I'm sorry I have no idea.

It flys !


The Flying

In thick grass lift-off requriers a full-throttle roll of around 40ft. With a 1 to 1 power to weight she climbs like a dream only problem being I can't run wide open for more than 20 seconds without sapping my batteries. Turns are smooth and relaxed the elevator is responsive and the rudder is unnecessary. She will cruise nice n slow at 45% power and climb with elevator at 70% power, a conservitive flight time is around 4 minutes. I don't want to try any aerobatics because of wing -flop but in normal flight this is nothing to worry about. She lands nicely if you flare with a little power just before impact. All in all I'm going to fly this agin and toss a camera into the mix.


below: just crusein

 below: I peged the throtal to avoid a patient street-light

 below: comin in



PaladinDG on April 9, 2014
Would like to see some video if you have it...
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anonymous rc pilot on April 9, 2014
hopefully soon, I have yet to make one
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Yogenh on April 19, 2014
Love the looks of it. It looks like it would be a great glider just for fun flying, Are you going to put up some plans for it?
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anonymous rc pilot on April 20, 2014
soon i will build a somewhat smaller more glider-ish version with forward-swept outer wing panels. i already folded a wing on the first version and built a replacement modeled after the 200% cruiser. as for plans I will at least give all the useful dementions and necessary reinforcements (hopefully some kind of pdf) although it might take a while
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Yogenh on April 20, 2014
I will like that. It dose look so good
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The Leviathin (big twin)