The X47-B Drone 70mm EDF Jet. Check it out

by crispy | December 20, 2013 | (4) Posted in How To


Finn on January 29, 2014
Hello from Denmark. Your Scratch built plans are super cool, but Walmart does not exist in Europe. This means that I must go and find foamboard who have the same measurement as you use. In one of your videos, you show the label that sits on your walmart foamboard and it was 700mm long. x 500mm. wide but I could not see the thickness of the board. Can you tell me the measurements in mm.? I would also like to know if there is katon on both sides of the foamboard you use. Finally, I would like to thank you for the good and detailed videos. I am dyslexic (this text has taken 3 hours to make, with the help of Google Translate) so it's super cool to see and hear how to make your planes
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Tactical Ex on January 28, 2014
This is so cool!. I have been wanting so badly to build one of these (in fact I almost made it my first plane but better judgment took over) and I did a modified versa wing instead. Are there plans available for download and do you think a larger pusher prop or slot prop version is possible?
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The X47-B Drone 70mm EDF Jet. Check it out