The Zombie Hunter

by GMan91 | August 25, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun


Based on the Smash Drone swappable


flight monkey on September 15, 2013
Totally different than what I expected. The paint job and name says" crazy fast" but its actually a slow fly docile flyer. Very cool, I like it. Looks cool but great for fun flying! Music on the video fits it perfect, Fun!!
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flight monkey on September 15, 2013
Id like more details. Im guessing its EDF powered? Which is cool to see. But what size? And how much dies it weigh? Etc. Thanks
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johanjonker on September 13, 2013
Might want to hit mute before watching the video..

Seems like you have plenty of power on it.
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CStence on September 15, 2013
Great paint job. My favorite part is the bio-hazard symbol - very cool!
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mrmattstence on September 16, 2013
Sweet! Some pretty sweet swooping loops and what not. :) Now all it needs is a flamethrower.
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Driveandairsmash on October 12, 2013
actually most of the song is call of duty stuff from the crazy doctor dude!
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Driveandairsmash on October 12, 2013
0:40-0:45 is the call of duty zonbies thing everythime you start a round. lol
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The Zombie Hunter