by Corsair2014 | June 27, 2013 | (4) Posted in Just Fun

Kyle does his first FPV flight, Colton buzzes the 2geeks, and we lose the TLAR drone in a neighborhood :0


More video footage coming soon!



Corsair2014 on June 28, 2013
did i get bad ratings cuz of 'safety' or cuz of bad video edting or?
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FLYitRC on June 27, 2013
I would recommend not flying in such heavy winds with a plane that cannot over come them in an efficient manner. But over all good job guys! Also to cure the tail wag, if you mount the horizontal stabilizer onto the shafts then it cannot waggle. look at IBCrazy's specter to see exactly what I mean,
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Corsair2014 on June 28, 2013
and it can overcome the wind fine, when it was 'flying backwards' it's becasue i was making it do that
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Corsair2014 on June 28, 2013
i know, thats how my first tlar drone was (v1). but i wanted to get the tail out of the prop wash. It worked welll until i crashed it a few times. Then i didn't feel like changing it until i built a new one
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sailorJohn on June 27, 2013
Safety first!

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