Tricopter V3

by FliteTest | October 29, 2014 | (17) Posted in Just Fun

Josh, David, and Alex are at Edgewater Golf Course flying David's Tricopter V3

David will be chasing Josh, and Alex with be chasing David. David on his V3, Josh on the Beaver, and Alex on his Blackout.

David nimbly following Josh, and Alex trying to keep up.

The V3 cutting it close to the Beaver. . .

. . . and swiftly backing off.

Josh decided to lead the guys in a "sissy" buzz.

David hovering before a landing.

David handed over the controls to the V3 to Alex to see how he liked it.

An FPV shot of Alex in flight on the V3.

The guys wrapping up the show, and thanking David for visiting.


If you didn't catch the link to David's site, head over to , and also check out David in Rotor DR1 at

Thanks for watching guys, we wouldn't have an amazing show without you, the fans, supporting us through the years. See ya next episode!


PropSpinner on October 30, 2014
Good to see you David. Best of luck with your business.
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ModellflugBub on November 7, 2014
Hey David, what do you think about puting wings on the tricopter to have more lift during cruising like the Mil Mi-6.
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Ano Pilot on October 31, 2014
David,... you look really good with that beard ! Off topic, took my family out onto the moors this Wednesday and had my two adult sons and my wife flying the Delta Ray and Super Cub S (in beginner mode of course) and it was ... well, a memory for life, and it was you people who gave me the vision for that. Thank you.
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kah00na on October 29, 2014
"Naze" is pronounced "Nah Zay". It does not rhyme with "maze". Good video.
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Lttakas on November 4, 2014
David you have been missed!
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RCTV-UK on October 31, 2014
Go David the V3 looks awesome!

ATB Malc
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Tricopter V3