Turnigy 9XR Convert from Mode 1 to Mode 2

by rctestbench | February 10, 2013 | (0) Posted in How To


At the time there were no Mode 2 Turnigy 9XR's available on Hobby King, so i bought a Mode 1. In this video i go over how i converted the radio from Mode 1 to Mode 2.


twan1997 on February 23, 2013
i think you could just get longer connectors for the gimbals, and just physically switch them, avoiding all the mechanical work :)
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Elmardus on February 16, 2013
Nice tutorial, but since when does this belong in the multirotor category?
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Adib Vahedi on February 10, 2013
cool thanks but what sucks is that you have to take out so many pieces and you just cant switch them Turnigy should change that!!!!!!!!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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Turnigy 9XR Convert from Mode 1 to Mode 2