Two Sheet No Waste Twin Tail

by dharkless | January 6, 2016 | (1) Posted in Projects

Hello Everyone,

This article features a Two Sheet Twin Tail Boom design with several possible variations on the theme.  It can be built with 3 or 4 channels.  The wings can be swept forward or back.  It can be built with a single pusher or twin tractor motors.  This is a versatile platform that can satisfy a wide range of flying skills, interests and goals.  Similar designs were offered by me earlier in one sheet and half sheet versions.

It can look like this:




This is 3 channel pusher version with forward swept wings.  The leading edges are straight and the trailing edges are swept forward. There is a considerable amount of dihedral. 


Or like this:

This is the 4 channel twin tractor version with rearward swept wings.  The leading edges are swept back and the trailing edges are straight.


I will walk you through a basic airframe build and then detail the options available.

This will be a 4 channel pusher with rearward swept wings.  It will have a moderate amount of dihedral to add stability for a moderately skilled pilot.  This could be a first 4 channel plane for someone who is well experienced in 3 channel or a second 4 channel for someone looking for a little more performance than a basic trainer. 

First, here are the plans:


This is a JPEG image that can be printed for easy desk top reference.

The plans can be transferred to the foam board using the dimensions given.  I believe this is easier than it would be to transfer the same design from full sized plans since most of the dimensions are on the edges of the sheet or on edges of large pieces after cutting into sections.

Begin by edge joining two sheets of DTFB or Ross Board along 30" sides.  Use the standard FT method for joining sheets.

It should look like this:


Then lay out and cut the major sections.  This would be the cuts that go all the way across the 30" dimension of the joined sheets.  It should look like this:


Next lay out the details within the major sections using the dimensions shown on the plans








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Two Sheet No Waste Twin Tail