Ultra- Micro Parkzone Spitfire Mk IX BNF ~REVIEW~

by Rcairplanenoob | November 11, 2013 | (0) Posted in Reviews

Heres an indepth honest review on the parkzone um spitfire. The motor i was talking about is the 4$ solo pro nine eagles motor from HK.


RC Wonder on November 12, 2013
as3x doesn't have to be upside down when setting it when i plug in the battery when the spitfire is upside down and it doesn't effect it. also 6/10 i think it is worse that that nice review though add a flight.

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#3 on November 12, 2013
I like your honesty it will save me some money and probaly many more pilots, it is not fair how some of these companys can make and sell crap and not stand behind it sounds like they should send you a updated motor at the least and a recall on all the spitfires or at least add a different motor to the kits that are still for sale on the store shelves
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Rcairplanenoob on November 12, 2013
Maybe something (else) is wrong with mine lol it wont arm until sitting flat and if there is any wind it wont arm. Its really annoying, yea the plane has its issues lol. But thanks for the kind words about my review. :)
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Ultra- Micro Parkzone Spitfire Mk IX BNF ~REVIEW~