Wingman in action

by schumixmd | October 2, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

Hi guys,

some weeks ago I have posted the build log of my wing.

Today I want to post the first video I compiled from flights with the wing.

Note: This video is participating in DragonLink contest.


Dashman on October 15, 2013
Great job with the compilation edit! It was fun to watch.
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schumixmd on October 16, 2013
thanks for nice words.
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jerimiah85 on October 16, 2013
5* great video
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schumixmd on October 31, 2013
thank you
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RoyBro on October 15, 2013
Good video. I hope you do well in the contest.
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schumixmd on October 16, 2013
thanks. Unfortunately this video did not win weekly contest, but on flitetest page it was posted after the contest anyway.
thanks for nice words.
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wray.smith.71 on April 19, 2015
Really awesome flite video that one part looked like it was way up there..Cool video
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Wingman in action