Wolverine V2

by MESA RC | January 6, 2016 | (9) Posted in Projects

Build Video:



To the Flite Test Community,

We seem to have a trend this year of the female students dominating the designs that are coming out of the shop here at MESArc.  Susannah did an amazing job on her Batman inspired aircraft, and now Megan has brought the covetted Wolverine design back from the shelves with a new look.  The shape of the aircraft is so cool, and over the years students have gone back to this design to alter and change it to make it even better. Here is a little history of the design over the years.

Original back in 2008

Revised Wolverine back in 2012

And now the latest:

A cool element of our program is the business and entrepreneurial piece where the students have to manage the design, marketing, sell, and production of kits.  A great critique of the Wolverine plane was brought to our attention that the sandwhich style was too difficult to do, and on high G pulls in flight the wing would fold in.  It was Megan that decided to take on the problem fixing it, so you guys would have a better experience overall with the plane.

It proved to be tough, for the swept wing of the Wolvering was no easy task for an airfoil. She used the method adopted by HS student DaMario of his Batman Beyond plane seen here;

Megan seen here trying to figure out that puzzle of an airfoil!

Prototype was a success

All smiles during the Maiden video

Discussing the Build Kit

Megan proved to be a great pilot, flying 80 percent of the time!  She is ready for TOP ACE!

HS ELITE student Nic had a go at the aircraft running a super megajet motor on a 4 cell with 65amp esc.

After a series of prototypes and month or two in, she came up with her solution and it has proven to be an awesome aircraft.  Quick and easy to build, and no folding of the wings during flight. Problem solved!

Try the plane out!


TILED: http://media.wix.com/ugd/fe25e6_d75823bb7e4744c791a45e40413be44c.pdf 

FULL SIZE: http://media.wix.com/ugd/fe25e6_c424aee7ece9441f9aa90d9155d55c87.pdf 

Or support the progam and purchase the kit: http://www.altitudehobbies.com/mesa-rc-foam-fighters-kits/mesarc-foam-fighters-mf-1-wolverine-v2-build-kit 

Way to go Megan and go girls!

Thanks for reading and supporting the program,

The MESArc Team



LordVader on January 13, 2016
Another top build and design. As always, you guys are doing great things. Keep it up.
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Ron DuBray on January 11, 2016
Nice design
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MESA RC on January 11, 2016
Thanks Ron
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Ron DuBray on January 11, 2016
Your welcome, I added the plans to my short list of planes to build this year. most likely at 150% :) I might have pull the power and control out of another plane to fly it, but I will build one.
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MESA RC on January 11, 2016
Send pics when you get around to it, good luck, 150 percent, I am sure that would look awesome!

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paultbg on January 8, 2016
The links for the plans are not working, there are no technical detail (weight, size, recommended power setup, etc).
I do appreciate the work but can you provide all the details?
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MESA RC on January 10, 2016
Thanks for pointing that out, it should be fixed now! Try it again. You can always visit our website too and the plans will for sure work there as well. http://www.mesarc.club/#!plane-plans/ccb

Thank you for the support,
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HilldaFlyer on January 15, 2016
Great job Megan!
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Traveler67 on April 5, 2016
Beautiful plane & Megan looked like she was having fun doing the build, too. I will be purchasing one of these in the very near future to support this program.
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MESA RC on April 7, 2016
Thank you very much!

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Wolverine V2