Yaw mechanism of our TBH agility tricopter

by TheBlindHawks | April 1, 2014 | (8) Posted in Projects

Hi folks,

in this short video we would like to show you a yaw mechanism of our TBH agility tricopter.

Simple but very effective in terminating any kind of slop. The hinges are made from simple rubber connectors. Due to the pre-load which is always on the servo there is no slop of any kind in that system. 

The bigger you choose your props the more important it is to have absolutely no slop because wind gusts tend to induce an oscillation to your servo.

Hope you like it




mad_milchmann on April 3, 2014
great idea!
I would also be interested in how you built the landig gear, which can be seen in the video.
(Looks like you modified the cheap Reely shocks from the big C - greetings from Munich btw. ;) )
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TheBlindHawks on April 3, 2014
Hi mad - thx :) Just take a look at our Facebook site => http://fb.com/theblindhawks

There you will find some pictures of our TBH agility....

Greetings back to Munich ;-)
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St0ned on April 3, 2014
It looks really nice and made me want to build a Tri
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TheBlindHawks on April 3, 2014
thx stoned
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danallen82 on April 3, 2014
Seems like a lot of resistance the servo will have to deal with. Plus I wonder how long that rubber will last before it rips out. Either way its nice to see a disc motor on a Tri.
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TheBlindHawks on April 3, 2014
Hi dan,

this servo offers 6kg torque so it is a piece of cake for the servo to work against the rubber connectors. These connectors (http://www.conrad.de/ce/de/product/546418/PB-Fastener-Gewindepuffer-110090-Schwarz/?ref=detview1&rt=detview1&rb=1) are pretty much indestructable - so no worries about wearout. ;-)

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enivid on April 3, 2014
Do you know if we can buy these fasteners somewhere in North america?
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TheBlindHawks on April 3, 2014
Hi envid, to be honest: I have no idea ;-) They should be available at any electronics store. They are usally used for mounting vibrations sensitive PCBs to a surface.
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Force5 on April 2, 2014
Nice and simple solution. Great Video

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TheBlindHawks on April 3, 2014
thx force5
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msfoster@btinternet.com on January 11, 2022
How do you setup the Aura5 Lite to be used with the A10Warthog? There is no “Gear” servo output on the Aura5Lite.
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Yaw mechanism of our TBH agility tricopter