Influence 23%
Join Date Jan 24, 2013
Articles 0
Born in 1962, yes I just turned 50...Big whoop! I still act like a kid, given the opportunity. I have been married since 1986 to a women who is way smarter than she needs to be and I love her dearly. We have 2 sons, one is 22 and the other is 20, great kids. Started flying last year (2011) and have never regretted it. Got my third plane this year, FMS ZERO, I am attempting my first scratchbuild, Fokker DR1, starting in a few days. I have become addicted to flight videos on youtube and wait patiently for the next Flitetest video to be uploaded. I have been on-board with Flitetest since the early days and find it both educational and entertaining. Many times, both. Sometimes one more than the other. Seldom neither.