Influence 51%
Join Date Feb 27, 2013
Articles 1
My name is Jonathan Hanson and I am originally from Unalakleet, Alaska. I am currently 22 years old and started flying R/C airplanes when I was 16 or 17. I absolutely fell in love with the hobby after finding out how much fun it is, how relaxing it can be, and just how awesome the people are who are in it. My first plane was the HobbyZone SuperCub LP. Not a year went by before I bought all of the bits and pieces necessary to put a new one together with a flattened and shortened wing, ailerons, and an OS 15 nitro engine to pull the sucker around. It was very successful so there is where my imagination cut loose. I began thinking up modifications and tweaks that I could do to create a fun flying experience to have on a regular basis. Then I found you guys. FliteTest. What a home run. I tell you what, when I first started watching these fabulous FliteTest videos I was astonished at the nature and greatness of the show. And it just kept getting better! And still does! I hope FliteTest continues for generations to come. What you guys do is great! Thanks guys. Keep up the great work.