Mafco Designs

Influence 72%
Join Date Sep 3, 2017
Articles 9
R/C Planes and Volkswagens
I have always been drawing as long as I can remember, mostly cars but also airplanes and spaceships! I started getting into R/C with cars and trucks, racing them at the local Hobby Town. At one time I had all kinds of radio controlled models, cars, trucks, planes, boats, you name it, but I could no longer afford the funds or space for everything so I had to choose one. I chose to keep up with the planes because they are timeless! I could take an old plane and still get the same thrill of flying it as if it was new! When I found Flite Test I was drawn to the creativity of it all, not only could I hand build planes inexpensively, but I could use my artistic ability to decorate them in any way! I love to fly and and always will!

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