Influence 82%
Join Date Jan 9, 2014
Articles 18
I grew up in and continue to live in Perth, Western Australia. I worked as a Computer Science/Software Engineering academic for 28 years and have recently retired. My childhood attempts at flying models was fairly tragic. Our neighbors would watch me carry a model down to the local sports oval and then carry the broken bits and pieces back shortly afterwards. I was as successful as a child with model planes as Charlie Brown is at flying kites. About 5 or 6 years ago I decided to try my hand at RC model planes and have not looked back. I love all aspects of RC model flying. I have built and flown models in Balsa, Depron and Foamboard. Foamboard is my favorite due to its lower cost and ease of use. I have recently started designing my own foamboard models and just love that aspect of things.