Influence 60%
Join Date Jan 24, 2013
Articles 2
Hi, I'm teenager from Ljubljana which is the capital of Slovenia. I always like building and repairing things. At the age of 9, my dad (which was also the modeler in the past) shows me attractions of this hobby. So with dad's help I built my first plane. That was a classic construction (balsa ribs and spars) motorized glider. Then I bought a Styrofoam Cessna, which was 3 channel heavy beginner plane. After that I made 3D plane made of 3mm Depron. I crashed at first flight (everyone does), but I've fixed it and fly again. Then I bought a big EPP glider and flew it a lot. Later I made RCpowers F-18 which is really good plane. I'm in multicopters for about a year now. And I'm also flying a lot with my new FPV setup