3D Night Challenge

by FliteTest | March 30, 2015 | (13) Posted in Challenges

For more information on the NIGHT VisionAire, visit here. 

Josh, Peter and Alex go head-to-head in NIGHT balloon pop challenge! Using the NIGHT VisionAire from Horizon Hobby as the challenge plane, they first give it a try in the day light before finally setting up for the big competition.  

Peter and Alex got the plane dialed in and tested out the SAFE system (aka panic button). 

It seemed to recover nicely from a few different maneuvers when the panic button was engaged. 

All in one piece!

Time to pop some balloons... 3D style!!

Peter had a run that looked hard to beat!

For more information on the NIGHT VisionAire, visit here.


Epitaph on April 6, 2015
That plane reminds me so much of the old Multiplex Acromaster, but with a wider wing chord
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FlyingMonkey on March 30, 2015
Best episode in a while!!! I loved the guys out flying and having fun. I was actually cheering as the balloons were popped (or released), much to the not amusement of my wife. Thanks guys for the laughs!
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themajik1 on March 30, 2015
Nice.. Plane looks really good at night! I think this one may be on my wish list just for night flying. Good job again guys.
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LordVader on March 31, 2015
Awesome stuff guys, really bringing great content and looks like you're all having a blast doing it. We enjoy seeing it. Keep it up.
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Island RC on March 31, 2015
I really liked the episode. Looks like a lot of fun! Keep up the good work.
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pgorey on April 16, 2015
Scratch built Visionaire forum thread! I'll get a video uploaded as soon as these winds calm down in Jackson, WY.

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Dutchynkez on April 2, 2015
I am so happy to see you guys enjoying the Visionaire. It was the plane that taught me to fly and has lasted me nearly two years now. My only problem is needing the Night Visionaire now,,lol. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to step into intermediate flying or 3D. I had no idea what I was doing when i bought it but she is so forgiving and fun to fly. It is also powerful enough to slice tendons,,beware, enjoy.
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pgorey on April 6, 2015
Just in time for me to post an article about my scratch built Visionaire. I sadly smashed mine to the point of repair but, no fear, I had hot glue and foam board and pictures / dimensions! Still toying with vortex generator placement but it flies amazingly well for a scratch build design and build. Will post pics tonight and once our weather calms down in WY, videos.
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enivid on March 31, 2015
I lost it at: "I free all the balloons!"
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ckpankratz on September 13, 2015
Did you guys add the red LED to the tail? I don't see that in the stock photos, but it seems like an excellent idea and I'd like to do the same to the Night Visionarie I just ordered. Can you briefly say what/how you did? Great episode. Thanks!
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3D Night Challenge