Build your own foam insert

by sveininge | August 29, 2012 | (12) Posted in Projects

I have had this suitcase for like 5 years, the foam in it began to go in pices. So i looked around the net for a great but cheap idea on making foam inserts DIY, and DIY we like :) So here you can see my final result, my radio is vey secure this way.

This will take about 5 minutes to prep and total time including wainting on the foam will take 4-5 hours from beginning to end..

 So how do I make it ? :)

Things you need:

- 1 old t-shirt or a new one you could offer¨
- 1 spray can of Building foam
- Follow my step by step and you will be allright.

Step 1 : Prep your item align it in your suitcase/case/drawer whatever.

Step 2: Take your t-shirt and prep it in the case no need to overdoo it, just do it like shown on the pic.

Step 3: Iam using building foam from Biltema in Norway, any building foam will work just fine.


Step 4: Apply foam, just a thin nice layer allover the place, remember that building foam expand ALOT. so do not overdo it :)

Step 5: Let it stay under preassure for 3-4 hours.

Step 6:The foam is done.

Step 7: Flip it over and enjoy the result .

look at the print:

Nice and cosy :)


sveininge on August 30, 2012
The foam here in norway cost around 9-10 usd, It is the cheapest I can get here in norway :)

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DejaD on August 30, 2012
That is a great idea. A nice, custom fit for any radio. Or ANY item you want to protect from damage. This has good applications outside the RC world as well. Worth 5 stars, I think.
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Frankerad on August 30, 2012
Nice idea, I have had problems moving all the equipment around. You will also have space for the remaining stuff, like batteries etc.

@Colorex: 10$ for foam seams expensiv. There should be some more cheap PUR-foam for build purpose. I usaly pay 6-7$ for my bottles at the hardware store.

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Nonamerc on August 30, 2012
Great 5 stars!!
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colorex on August 29, 2012
Cool! There is an expanding foam called Sika Boom where I live. It's like $10 per bottle.
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Joker 53150 on August 29, 2012
I'd suggest wrapping whatever you are using as a mold in plastic before adding the foam. "Great Stuff" here in the states is a common expanding foam and it's brutal to remove from anything it touches.
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sveininge on August 30, 2012
thanx for linking my project :) if you have a question jst ask me..
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Build your own foam insert